Our music is supported and can be produced through our wonderful fans all over the world. If you like our music, please consider to become a patron. With small monthly contribution you help us to create new music. But this is not the only reason you should become a member. Starting at 10 EUR (10 USD) you get access to EXCLUSIVE bonus content you can't find anywhere else on the internet:
  • Video clips and images of our studio recordings
  • Previews of new songs
  • Early access to new releases
  • Special recordings of classical songs 
  • Guitar tabs of our songs to play along
    ...and much more!

Join Patreon today and let the next Neopera album become reality!

Patreon FAQ

What is Patreon and how does it work?

Patreon is a platform that allows us to communicate more closely with our fans. For a small monthly donation we can offer you exclusive insights and offers.

How much is the membership fee?

You can decide for yourself what monthly amount you want to pay. Simply choose from the options offered at: www.patreon.com/neopera.

How long do I commit to a payment?

You can stop the monthly payment at any time at the end of your monthly term. You can do this easily with a button in your Patreon customer account.

How to I increase or decrease my monthly amount?

You can adjust your monthly amount at any time in your Patreon customer account. So you have full flexibility on what you will pay in the next month.

What methods of payment are available on Patreon?

You can choose between the following payment methods: credit card, Paypal, instant transfer and Apple Pay.

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